Sunday, January 26, 2020

Christmas Memory

File:December on the Red Louisiana Boardwalk Giant Christmas Tree 2.jpg
Christmas has always been my preferred time of the year, I’ve always thought maybe it was because my birthday is five days before Christmas, and that’s halfway true. Growing up my favorite part was unwrapping the presents, and just the gifts in general. I wanted to count how many were mine under the tree on Christmas Eve, although my mom wouldn't let me, then I would slink by anyways. But the last few years Christmas has felt very different, maybe it’s because I’m becoming an adult, I’m not really sure. I believed in Santa for a while. I disregarded my cousins fake stories about how he isn't real until about the seventh or eighth grade when more people in middle school told me. So up until that point Christmas had always seemed like this magical time of year filled with laughter and joy and gifts from Santa Claus, after it was like all the magic in the world was a lie and now I have to lie to my future children which was heart wrenching to little Brooklynn. This last year or so I came to the conclusion of what Christmas means to me and it’s not at all what little Brooklynn thought it was about which was the presents. Christmas to me is love, it’s memories, and togetherness.

December 25, 2019 
I had woken up at around 8:30 am and I was the first one up as always. I glanced over at the tree to see if our new Christmas tradition was hidden, I know that my mom stayed up pretty late waiting for my brother to go to sleep so I wasn’t too surprised when I found the pickle in the same spot. We got a Christmas pickle ornament and the person who finds it on the tree gets to open their presents from Santa first. I walked into the living room and sat in front of the fire, it was pouring heat, which is only a thing when my Grandpa Harvey's home. I didn’t want to wake anyone up yet, so when my cat kindella started meowing for me to notice her we went outside and enjoyed some fresh air. When we went inside everyone was up, the pickle got hid and my sister found it because I was busy texting Isacc and telling him Merry Christmas. We sat down to open presents and my grandpa always videos us and it’s my favorite thing. When I’m older I can watch these videos and remember how much love my grandpa and my parents had for us. It’s not just because they gave us presents but also because they provide us with a roof over our head and a full belly at the end of the day, no matter the circumstances they have always made sure we have everything we need. I didn’t have enough money to buy people gifts this year and I always feel really bad feeling like I need to get my parents something cheap. All though this year I have realized that the gift of time and energy or just a listening ear to my mom is very helpful, and my grandpa loves quality time with me but he’s only home on the weekends and that’s usually when Isacc comes over. I really need to make an effort to spend more time with him. I hate thinking about it but this is like my last Christmas, as a child at least. I hope that things don’t change, I know sometimes change is good but it’s also scary. I don’t ever want Christmas to become a dreadful thing like how my step-dad makes it seem. Christmas to me is about spending time together and being happy and that’s never grim in my eyes. “Brookie here’s one of your presents” said my little brother Skylar. “Okay thank you bubbbs” I replied.

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