Wednesday, November 14, 2018


During the frigid winter of 2015, I was only twelve years old. Stuck all the way in Yakima, Washington isolated in the cold, I was attempting to return back to my home with my family, over three hours away. The chances of me being able to get back were very low. I walked everywhere with only one layer of clothes on, asking for help, but no one was there or even noticed my presence. I walked across the freeway while cars zoomed past me. Soon enough I came across a gas station. I sat outside distressed and hopeless for hours until an older aged women came across and approached me. She asked me if I was okay. Others earlier that evening had just walked past me acting as if I was invisible. I explained my situation. She told me she would take me all the way back home. I was astonished and grateful for her offer. She then drove me all the way back to Lake Stevens without even knowing whom I was. This woman is a life saver and someone I will remember for a lifetime.

After the kindness I received, I attempted to be more social in my community. A few of my friends had became homeless as time went on. I would occasionally buy them blankets, food and clothes. Doing everything in my ability to keep them stable. My mom, whom I am very grateful to have in my life, sometimes would let them over in our home to spend the night.

I never want anyone to feel hopeless like I was that freezing evening. There are generous people out in the world who do things even if sometimes their acts of kindness goes unnoticed. Making someone feel better or smile is one of the best rewards you can do in life.

The Hardest Thing

            The hardest thing I have ever had to do was fall away from my closest friends and family to do better for myself. For most people change is hard because you get comfortable where you’re at and getting comfortable can be dangerous; you won’t notice when you’re in a toxic environment or surrounded by people that are only bringing you down. For me change has always been easy. I’ve never known anything to be permanent it depends on the matter if I want to change or not but sometimes you just know that it’s time and you can’t go on like this for much longer.
            This time for change came during my Freshman year of high school. I had just gotten out of the hospital. As I left, I was hit with the realization that my closest friends, who I thought of as family, were nowhere to be found. That was only part of it. My closest family that claim they’d do anything for me didn’t even come and visit. That’s when I knew if I wanted to do something with my life and make it somewhere I had to do it myself and everyone that was in my life at the time weren’t gonna help me make it there. I decided it was time to go back to school and to start caring about my health and my future. I knew in that moment that the only person that’s ever really gonna be there for you every step of the way and help you succeed, is you.
            That’s when I came to Crossroads and made it on honor roll. That’s why I’m in Sno-isle pursuing my passion. That’s why I have a job and put myself through driver’s ed and got my license. The only reason I am where I am is because I pushed myself to get here. It wasn’t easy, and I had to leave behind a lot of the people I loved and who I thought would be by my side through it all. It was hard, but in the end it was worth it.

-Kenna Watts

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