Thursday, October 3, 2019

Faith Court

Even after 12 years, I can still remember my first day of kindergarten at Sunnycrest Elementary. I switched schools a year later because there was no bus route for where I lived to attend that school. I spent the next 9 years within the Lake Stevens School District, when I finally decided I needed a change. I came to Crossroads in November of 2018, and have loved it ever since. The teachers are amazing and friendly and actually care about the students and what is going on within their lives. I have never experienced such love within a school and it has made me excited to learn and excited to come to this building. 
            I love, love, love animals and mostly spend my time with my kittens and my dog when I’m not with friends. My animals manage to keep me sane even when it feels like I ́m going crazy. I like riding my longboard and bringing my dog with me on the Centennial trail. I like painting, occasionally. And, I like spending my time in nature. I like being able to go outside and smell the fresh air.

            I have three sisters, all older than me and all of them have moved out of the house and are doing grown up things. My oldest sister (Shelby) just moved to Oklahoma a few weeks ago to get into the Police Academy down there and pursue her dream of being a cop. My second oldest sister
(Jessica) owns her own spa down in Portland, and has been an aestheticism for a few years now. My other sister (Beth) just got married last month and is currently pursuing her way to be a teacher. She’s currently a student teacher in the Marysville school district. 
            I live with both of my parents, they’re both usually working so I’ll be out and about, just driving around in my car. I like my alone time, but I don’t like being alone all the time. I’m independent but still likes some company here and there, if ya catch my drift.
   I have two dogs and three cats. One dog is part Chihuahua and Dachshund (her name is Minnie), the other is a big old chocolate lab, and his name is Rocky. I have one cat named Bella, who is 12 years old, I’ve had her since I was a kid! She’s come a long way. I recently got two kittens about 4 months ago, their names are Oscar and M.J. They are very playful animals and the kittens get along with Minnie! It’s fun to watch them play with each other.

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