Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Image result for zoo pictures creative commonsDo zoos really help the animals that they have or are they just hurting them? Most of the time Zoos just say they only take in endangered species to breed them and help protect them. Most of the animals you see at the zoo may have once been endangered but most of the time they really aren’t. Another thing is they will most likely never return to the wild, because they didn’t grow up there so they will have no survival skills. They wouldn’t know how to protect themselves because they have been in cages and tanks protected from any sort of predators. They wouldn’t know how to find food or even know where to look for it also water and shelter. They are just gifted all this in the zoo but if they went to the wild they would die super fast. Zoos are saying, “Enclosed environments are safer than the wild because the animals will not be at a risk of starvation due to lack of nutrition and will not be hunted by poachers or eaten by other predators”. Which in some cases is true but keeping them in enclosed areas does not give them any freedom or skill. Being in cages they cant run free like they would be able to in the wild, they can only run as far as the cage around them is. People who don’t support zoos are stating, “Instead of zoos teaching children factual information about these animals zoos are teaching children it is okay to imprison animals for our entertainment. Which is true because children that grew up going to the zoo all the time are the kind of people you see on the News for illegally having exotic animals as pets.
-Kyleigh Case

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