Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jordan Trussell

Who is Jordan Trussell? Well she is one of our school’s top students who gets awarded for her hard work and input in school. The specific award I am talking about is student of the quarter. Only a select few get student of the quarter as each check and connect class has one student they can choose. These people can be picked for many reason varying from straight A’s to most improved. Jordan is an outstanding student and is a real butterfly in the working part of school, most don't have this quality that will really help in the long run whether it helps within college or the job atmosphere, and it’ll help greatly. She is not just great at school, but she is a pretty great person. She has a big heart, but most of it goes to her boyfriend, also his name is Jorden, and her closest friends like Hannah. She is always willing to try to help anyone she can. She is also very talented in makeup like a lot better and bolder than the average. My favorite she does is orange or red colors, which is really had for many to pull off, but she really kills it; I’m jealous to be honest. I should know more about her to write more, but I can say she is quiet and keeps to herself. I am very similar that way. What I can say, is she is an outstanding person and deserves this award fully. When I think of a ‘perfect’ student my mind pops up with Jordan.

-Samantha Mason

Student of the Quarter: Madison

July 7. 2000 in Seattle WA, the lovely Ms. Madison Smith was born. Madison has one brother and one sister, both older. Ms. Madison has lived in Granite for 8 years and she loves it. Her favorite memories are building forts outside, shooting airsoft guns and wrestling her brother. Madison loves going on adventures, loves animals, babies and spending time with her friends and family. Madison's goal after she graduates is to start nursing school and become a registered nurse, save up for a Jeep Wrangler and eventually start a family with about 4 kids (so it’s even). She really wants to live on a farm with some acreage so she can have horses and some room to ride and have plenty of animals. One of Madison's favorite things is being outside; she can't wait to travel the world and experience new things. Madison dream is to travel to Greece and visit all the islands. Madison is a sweet, kind-hearted young women. I haven't been the closest with Madison but lately I've been spending a little bit more time with her, and she's definitely an honest, real person. Madison has got a lot of love in her and I can see it. She absolutely loves her friends and would do anything for them or the ones she loves. She isn't one to be caught up in drama or start drama. Madison is a down-to-earth gal, and I'm happy to know her. Madison Smith is much loved around this school especially by her friends, and I hope she knows that!

-Alex Chavez

Friday, May 11, 2018

Student of the Quarter: Austin Case

Through all the crowds and the sea of heads of students making their way to class, you might see a tall guy with a bright red sweatshirt, and you’ll know Austin is at school that day. And the days he doesn’t wear his iconic red sweatshirt, you’ll still recognize him when his loud voice booms through the hallways, along with him playfully bickering with a couple people and him telling them in a not so nice way to leave him alone. Some conversations you might hear him having with his friends would probably be about cars, or his truck specifically, or else complaining about the work he has to do in class. Despite the complaining and confusion, he still almost always asks people in the classroom for help and will turn the papers in.

          Just like anyone else at Crossroads or even just in general, everyone has a personal life to deal with. Part of that is the reason why Austin Case is at our school and fits in so well. A common problem with students at our school is not working well with a regular high school. Like, the other students, the teachers, the way they’re taught, are many valid reasons and struggles we might have, and that is different here at Crossroads. That was a big problem for Austin and a big reason why he attends our school. Other various reasons would be not having the motivation to bring yourself out of bed to start you day at school, or your emotions messing with you and making you fear socializing with people.

          At Crossroads there are many students who don’t show up, don’t do their work, and just goof off. Then there is also students who show up often, are caught up on their school work, and stay interested and focused. Austin Case is a student who’s in the middle of that. Although he does struggle with his work, he usually does have good grades, although goofing off might be one of his favorite activities.

-Jordan Trussell

CARE: Excellence

We finally come to a close of the excellence award. The definition of excellence states; the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. To me this sums up a student who goes above and beyond, like most awards given, but more specifically in their work and view to others. They take care in their grades and future, school is more of a passion to expand yourself. I was one of the people who got this award this quarter and to me excellence means going deep into school work, staff respect, and socially acceptable person. Of course the school work one is pretty summarize but to truly understand what I go through to maintain my grades you would have to know that I’m a perfectionist and I constantly battle myself in my head. It’s like one part of me wants to stray and the other, which is more dominant, says you can’t do anything else till you finish your work and do it good. My check and connect with Mr. Matlack and some of my other teachers know I am always on check with my grades. I always try to do extra credit, and I never settle with a B grade. It honestly for some reason makes me super mad to have a B or less. The staff respect can call for many names and thing but mainly to me it is about having bonds and friendships with my teacher or at least be on a pretty good base like 3rd base in baseball, almost home. My teachers and I have to have a good understanding of each other which most of the time is there but if not, I work up to it so I can work and feel comfortable. The socially acceptable part is big but not too big, like I want to present myself in a good way but not perfectly. I strive to look good to staff and other schools like college. I also strive to look good to others to be a model to others but also be supportive because I’m very friendly and want to help others. In my eyes this award could be given to others of different values but this is my view.

-Samantha Mason

CARE: Respect

In a classroom or school, you should see and show a lot of respect. Some examples of showing this respect would be like not interrupting classes in session, being polite, showing your respect to your teachers, etc. School, as for most people, isn’t the greatest place to be or the best place to be put in a good mood. There’s crowds of people everywhere, people you may or may not like. But if we didn’t all show respect for each other, it would probably cause many more problems that wouldn’t benefit anyone. Your teachers spend tons and tons of time on their jobs, being the best teacher that can benefit you and help you learn and pass your classes. Being a student isn’t easy, but being a teacher isn’t any easier. Having to deal with close to 100 or more individual student’s each day, having to grade piles of papers, and making sure a lesson is planned out. Showing your teachers respect at school might be one of the most important things you could do, so you can understand better and maybe pay attention more.

            Outside of the classroom, there are so many ways to show respect. Big ways, small ways, and some ways you may not even realize. When walking through a door in front of someone and you wait to hold the door open for them that would be an example of probably a smaller way to show respect. Even though you aren’t losing or gaining anything, spending that extra few seconds may even make someone’s day. Going out of your way to write someone an apology letter for something you may have done wrong would be a big way of showing respect, and would probably earn even more respect on your part.

-Jordan Trussell

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

CARE: Being A Student

Being a student entails putting in the right amount of effort and being devoted to having a future. Without the devotion and the ethic, school poses as a challenge to many individuals. However, when looking at a map through the journey of such a long life, school is the very first step to being able to succeed later on. When looking at the richest men on Earth, many are not high school dropouts who couldn’t strive to obtain at least an associate’s degree. They were extremely motivated men who strived to change the world for the better, not simply achieve riches. Taking this to account in my own life, being a student is simply having the positive outlook to change my lives and the lives of others surrounding me. To reach prime position in life, one must first simply want to do better. This will create a flicker in the mind of a pupil to no longer want to be a hardworking student, but to need to be this student. A turning point in numerous lives. This is what will separate the immature and weak from the mature, strong people. Simply a decision made in merely adolescents that will hold the threshold for an entire adventure into adulthood and beyond. It is very possible for a student to get discouraged, singled out from their peers and relentlessly attacked for no apparent reason. However, to have the strength and maturity to fight this evil is what makes a student appear from the children surrounding him.
-Logan Ames

To be a student sometimes isn’t necessarily the best thing. But it’s the outcome of being one which you won’t regret. But a student could also mean so many different things. All of the kids who go to school at Crossroads are students. They’re students from many different districts and cities, students who have gone through hell and back, and students who go to an alternative school so they can catch up on what they’ve missed (if that’s the case). A student athlete, maybe, is a student who is learning and a part of some sport. A student is just basically a person that is learning or being taught by someone a new skill,lesson, hobby, etc.

            Being a student requires a lot of work to get to your level of success. Whether it’s staying up late so you can get in your last few hours of studying for the big final, staying after school late to finish a project with a partner, or becoming frustrated when at first you don’t succeed. Something that might be important to some students is having a clear routine. Like waking up at 6 in the morning, leaving yourself time to eat breakfast, shower, get ready, brush your teeth, and etc. before you have to rush out the door to catch your bus to school. From then on, you go to your scheduled classes and through all 6 or 7 different classes and you’ll learn new material, different subjects, and understand things more in depth while also being assigned class and homework.

-Jordan Trussell

My definition of a student is Jordan Trussell. She is probably the best student at Crossroads and everyone knows it. There isn’t an assembly where she doesn’t get an award or student of the quarter award. That is a rare thing to say about a student! Possibly the only student who has that to be proud of. She's highly looked upon by the teachers and staff members because of her great performance. She comes to school every day, (so she has perfect attendance) she does her work and gets it in on time, and keeps her grades up. She's always on top of things. She's willing to help out teachers when every needed. Jordan is a very respectful and sweet girl in the classroom. I don't personally know Jordan, but I’m observant and this is what I see. I wish I was a student like her (a hard-working student). It's all about motivation or some people might have learning disabilities. Some people might be more motivated than others because of their background. If ones family has a history of not graduated, it could motivate them even more to do well in school and be a good student so they can be the change in their family. Or it could be pressure; pressure from parents and the expectations to be a good student. There are many different reasons to try to be a good student.   

-Alex Chavez

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