Friday, May 11, 2018

CARE: Excellence

We finally come to a close of the excellence award. The definition of excellence states; the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. To me this sums up a student who goes above and beyond, like most awards given, but more specifically in their work and view to others. They take care in their grades and future, school is more of a passion to expand yourself. I was one of the people who got this award this quarter and to me excellence means going deep into school work, staff respect, and socially acceptable person. Of course the school work one is pretty summarize but to truly understand what I go through to maintain my grades you would have to know that I’m a perfectionist and I constantly battle myself in my head. It’s like one part of me wants to stray and the other, which is more dominant, says you can’t do anything else till you finish your work and do it good. My check and connect with Mr. Matlack and some of my other teachers know I am always on check with my grades. I always try to do extra credit, and I never settle with a B grade. It honestly for some reason makes me super mad to have a B or less. The staff respect can call for many names and thing but mainly to me it is about having bonds and friendships with my teacher or at least be on a pretty good base like 3rd base in baseball, almost home. My teachers and I have to have a good understanding of each other which most of the time is there but if not, I work up to it so I can work and feel comfortable. The socially acceptable part is big but not too big, like I want to present myself in a good way but not perfectly. I strive to look good to staff and other schools like college. I also strive to look good to others to be a model to others but also be supportive because I’m very friendly and want to help others. In my eyes this award could be given to others of different values but this is my view.

-Samantha Mason

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