Our class is doing teacher spotlights every other week, but this week two students wanted to write about the same teacher who they admire at this school; Mrs. Orr. Here is what they have to say about this charismatic and loving lady.
What made Mrs. Orr come to crossroads? Well she started to realize how the “naughty” kids weren’t treated like the others. She noticed the teachers at the regular school didn´t have time to focus on the "naughty" ones. She just didn't like that, and she noticed that here at Crossroads Alternative High School all students are treated and cared for equally with smaller class sizes.
Her main goal this year is to help the school communicate better and make it a more peaceful place to be. Which has worked so far this year! She also likes to spice it up, and make it more fun. Mrs. Orr is just flat out an amazing person. She works on motivating students everyday. She worries about every student´s attendance every morning. If you don´t show up, she makes sure to give you a call and find out why. If it’s not a good excuse, you’re probably coming to school.
She does her best to talk to every student individually, and grade every bit of Geometry homework. She’s definitely the “Mom” of the school, no doubt. She sends out positive vibes for all to feed off, and gives a radiant smile to all that pass in the halls.
-Mal Byron
Mrs. Orr is one of the most caring and loving teachers that I have ever known. She cares about all of those around her, and is respectful and very understanding. Mrs. Orr has done so much for our school. For example, she helped raise money last year that was needed for prom to make it a very special night for everyone. Mrs. Orr is a whole new level of extraordinary. I honestly can't believe how much she has helped me since I started coming here last year. I just never understood math very well and she helped me through it problem by problem. I’ve gotten a lot better at math and having her class really brightens up my day. My parents never thought that I would get good grades, but I proved them wrong with Mrs. Orrs help. I’ve never been so happy or excited to do math but walking in her class is actually really fun, you just need an amazing teacher like Mrs. Orr to help you! She has good organization skills. For example, she gives you all of the notes that you could possibly need for every single assignment that she gives you. She also tries her best not to give you homework and if you do have homework, it’s because you didn’t use your class time wisely. She's a very cheerful person and tries to always think on the positive side of things. If it looks like you’re having a rough day then she will ALWAYS ask what’s wrong and talk to you about it. She has a very special place in her heart for all of her students. The bond that she has with everyone is just incredible. Mrs. Orr loves sparkles, so if you want to get on her good side then you should most definitely buy her something that is decked out in it. She doesn’t like when you swear in her classroom, anyways Mrs. Orr is just amazing is every single way!!
-Bryanna Daves

-Bryanna Daves
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